I just found this from a blog and thought I would give it a try. Fairly new to blogging and am addicted to seeing everyone elses....
Here is where I found it: {aefilkins} or amberfilkins.blogspot
Here goes nothing!
I AM... a stay at home mom
I THINK... this has been a long day
I SHOULD... start getting ready for tomorrow
I DREAM... of a good night's sleep
I WANT... my youngest boy to feel better soon (he has strep throat)
I KNOW... That God loves me and is ever forgiving
I DON'T LIKE... when my kids are sick
I SMELL... freshly bathed children
I HEAR... rerun of Real Housewives of New York
I FEAR... thunderstorms
I USUALLY... have tons to do
I SEARCH... for my keys all the time
I MISS... my grandfather who passed away in 2008 (he lived a long fulfilling life)
I ALWAYS... worry to much
I WONDER... what my kids will grow up to be
I REMEMBER... I have to go to the bank, post office, and errands tomorrow
I NEED... extra hours in the day
I FORGET... almost everything (thanks adhd and post it notes)
I FEEL... tired
I CAN... do a lot of things
I CAN'T... do a lot of things
I AM HAPPY... with my life
I LOSE... my mind...
I SING... only when by myself in the car. I can't carry a note..
I LISTEN... well lets just say I try to listen more than I talk...
I SHOP... by window
I EAT... on a diet (does that answer that one???)
I LOVE... My GOD, hubby, and children!